We are passionate about cultivating the next generation of leaders. Learning is a life-long journey and we want to be your partners.
Introduction to our Admissions Consulting
We are a premier, full-service education consulting and program company for students seeking admissions to the most selective schools while gaining skills to be future leaders and for schools looking to disrupt and innovate their curriculum to better meet the needs of the changing world. Our goal is to cultivate future leaders, and many of our former students have had tremendous success, both in their educational pursuits and their careers.
The first step to a promising career is obtaining the best education possible. Over the past decade, our team has collectively advised and assisted thousands of students who have completed educational programs and matriculated to world-class schools.
Many schools and companies today emphasize the importance of global citizenship and 21st Century skills such as design and entrepreneurial thinking, empathy, STEAM, and cross-cultural fluency. Our goal is not only to assist students in gaining acceptance at the most competitive schools but to put them in a position to succeed in life. We specialize in preparing students for the challenges they will face in the real world by providing valuable mentorship and guidance throughout their early years, not just during the application process.
Join us to be changemakers who will be positioned to positively change the world!
Developing a “HOOK” that makes your resume attractive to schools is a critical step in gaining acceptance letters from top institutions — even your great test scores and solid GPA aren’t a guarantee that you’ll get in at the world’s most competitive schools.
In the ultra-competitive admissions process at top schools nowadays, schools want to see that you are passionate about something! In many instances, students participate in random extra-curricular activities without much strategy and plan. Schools want to see more than just a “stacked” resume.
This is where our Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship program comes in. Working on a project — whether it is at a local, national, or international level — doing research study, launching an app, starting a social venture, or getting involved in a meaningful internship can be a way to demonstrate your care and concern for the world. Plus, not only will it help you get into a better school, but it will also help prepare you to be a contributor in 21st-century classrooms and professional settings.
Our Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship programs are geared toward helping you find your niche, and developing your start-up and leadership skills, whatever your interest may be. Through a series of programs, company visits, guest speakers, case studies, mentorships, you will create and develop memorable impact projects that will benefit your application and beyond.
We will focus special attention on improving skills in technology literacy, creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, cross-cultural fluency, systems thinking, and human-centered design while being exposed to eye-opening experiences, project-based workshops, and talks from mentors and successful professionals. Most of our educational and consulting programs culminate into a final student project that involves designing and developing solutions that address a social issue or problem of their choice. These kinds of skills are often best cultivated in problem-based learning approaches that ask students to design solutions to real-world problems. This approach is central to how our programs are run.
Our Consulting Services
Consulting packages are for middle to high school students. Application package — admissions to secondary private and boarding schools, undergraduate and graduate universities — is separate. *see below
try, then upgrade anytime- ✔️ Access to webinars & recorded workshops
- ✔️ Passion project initiation and development
- ✔️ Discount to TIE programs (@10%)
- ✔️ MONTHLY 1:1 meeting (1 hr/session)
- ✔️ Career exploration & advising
- ✔️ School course selections
- ✔️ Standardized test planning
*most popular*- ✔️ Access to webinars & recorded workshops
- ✔️ Passion project initiation and development
- ✔️ Discount to TIE programs (@20%)
- ✔️ BI-WEEKLY 1:1 meeting (1 hr/session)
- ✔️ Career exploration & advising
- ✔️ School course selections
- ✔️ Standardized test planning
- ✔️ Personalized school & major list
- ✔️ Summer planning (e.g. camps, projects)
- ✔️ TIE Skill development live workshops (e.g. financial literacy, website)
- ✔️ 1:1 Mentoring with college students & professionals in areas of interest (monthly)
- ✔️ Personal website & digital portfolio creation
- ✔️ Competitions (e.g. business, design, sustainability) entrance
*limited to select few student per year*- ✔️ Access to webinars & recorded workshops
- ✔️ Passion project initiation and development
- ✔️ Discount to TIE programs (@30%)
- ✔️ WEEKLY 1:1 meeting (1 hr/session)
- ✔️ Career exploration & advising
- ✔️ School course selections
- ✔️ Standardized test planning
- ✔️ Personalized school & major list
- ✔️ Summer planning (e.g. camps, projects)
- ✔️ TIE Skill development live workshops (e.g. financial literacy, website)
- ✔️ 1:1 Mentoring with college students & professionals in areas of interest (bi-weekly)
- ✔️ Personal website & digital portfolio creation
- ✔️ Competitions (e.g. business, design, sustainability) entrance
- ✔️ Internship or research opportunities
- ✔️ Personal passion project development (e.g. social entrepreneurship)
- ✔️ Assistance setting up company/NGO
- ✔️ Guidance on launching website/apps
- ✔️ Digital marketing assistance for projects, website, or app
- ✔️ Personal branding
Just when it seems like your schedule in life as a high school student is officially overbooked, you are confronted with one of the most important pieces of writing you will ever compose – the PERSONAL STATEMENT.
In just a mere 650 words or less, you are expected to reveal a portrait of the well-rounded, reflective, conscientious person that you are to admissions officers at the schools of your choice. It’s an opportunity to fill in the cracks that are left over, to highlight the important parts of your personality and mind that aren’t demonstrated by your G.P.A. or resume.
Personal Statement is really the only part of the college application that have a student’s “voice”. Your GPA, classes taken, SAT scores and activities are quantified one way or the other. Students don’t really have full control over what gets written in teacher and counselor recommendations. Interviews offered are typically alumni interviews, not by admissions officers. Consequently, this is the only way to have your true voice be heard by the admissions committee. This is not a English writing contest — though having a well written essay with proper spelling, grammar and structure helps — rather, it is important to come up with a storyline that shows demonstrated interest and the “fit”.
By working and developing close personal relationships with our students, we capture and highlight key details that clearly shows the path and upward trajectory of the student’s academic interest, passion and goals.
So the personal statement, as well as any supplementary essays you will likely write for competitive schools, plays a critical role in giving the officers a glimpse of your truest self. This requires being diligent, and giving the task the time and seriousness of purpose it deserves.
When you sit down to begin the brainstorming process of just exactly how you are going to cultivate your life perspectives and talents for written expression in a few short responses for your potential colleges, it is probably a good time to call upon some experts.
Our consultants know what it takes to turn your ideas into the tightly organized, sophisticatedly expressed essays that demonstrate you at your best. We don’t write them for you, but we help you unlock your own potential!
Admissions officers at competitive schools across the nation have pet peeves that Ahn Academy will help you avoid, ranging from basics like spelling errors, to more important issues like maintaining the presence of YOUR authorial voice (not ours, not your parents’, not your school guidance counselor’s).
How do we do it? Our process is deeply personalized based on your needs, and includes major steps to success that we implement with all of our students.
Book for free consultation session
Find out if we are a good fit together
Companies vs. Colleges
Why our approach is important — what characteristics are they looking for in applicants? Do these seem similar?
What Top Schools Want
Colleges want to see that you are passionate about learning – not just about a single academic area—but about the world around you. “We want to see the kind of curiosity and enthusiasm that will allow you to spark a lively discussion in a freshman seminar and continue the conversation at a dinner table,” states Stanford University’s website.
Show the colleges you have applied to how much you love to and want to learn, and what excites you intellectually. If you can demonstrate that you have a “growth mindset”— the belief that one can enhance intelligence, abilities and talents through hard work – that is also a plus, according to a report from Harvard University’s School of Education.
Some colleges want students who not only challenge themselves, but also who persevere through those challenges, set goals, and achieve them. You might hear this quality described as “grit” or “commitment.” A study by University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth indicates that “grit” might be a more effective predictor of success than IQ.
You might have demonstrated persistence by sticking with challenging classes or activities even though you didn’t excel in them at first or any time you worked hard to accomplish a goal — despite obstacles or setbacks. The key is to show that despite any obstacles, you maintained your energy, enthusiasm and passion for what you set out to achieve.
Here, risk-taking doesn’t necessarily mean engaging in high-risk activities like bungee jumping or mountain climbing — it means venturing out of your comfort zone, be it in the classroom or other areas of life. Taking a risk can be joining the debate club even though you have a fear of public speaking, trying a new activity, or taking a challenging class. Colleges want students who are not afraid to make mistakes — and who understand that mistakes are part of learning.
As set forth on MIT’s website, “When people take risks in life, they learn resilience because risk leads to failure as often as it leads to success. The most creative and successful people — and MIT is loaded with them — know that failure is part of life and that if you stay focused and don’t give up, goals are ultimately realized.”
Some colleges also look for students with compassion. According to the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, “Compassion literally means ‘to suffer together.’ [It’s] …the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering.” Research shows that college students who show a higher level of concern for their peers and classmates have higher levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy.
Georgia Tech lists “compassion for others” as one of eight character traits it values. Syracuse University states, “You are a strong candidate if you strengthen and support those around you, even as you are working to develop yourself.” UCLA looks for “ demonstrated concern for others and for the community.”
Showing compassion is not just about expressing empathy for others, it’s also taking action to help them. Engaging in community service work, tutoring struggling students at your school, willingly taking care of siblings to help a parent working multiple jobs, or political activism can all be fueled by compassion.
College can be a great opportunity to engage with people from different backgrounds and cultures and to consider ideas, perspectives, and opinions that might be new or different from your own. Colleges want to see that you can respectfully consider different points of view and that you welcome the chance to consider these perspectives. For example, Pomona College’s website states that it values “an openness to new ideas and rejection of easy answers.”
Critical thinking — another skill that colleges value — requires the ability to consider all arguments and ideas – even those with which you may disagree.
Many colleges say they are looking for students who hope to apply their academic and career interests to improve the world around them. “Our ideal candidates are inspired to emulate our founder Benjamin Franklin by applying their knowledge in service to society, to our community, the city of Philadelphia, and the wider world,” states the University of Pennsylvania on its admissions page. Oberlin College says it seeks “individuals who care about the world, who believe they can make it a better place, and who have the courage to try.”
Does your academic area of interest intersect with a cause that you truly care about? For example, you might want to major in engineering and use the skills you acquire to combat global warming. You might also show your sense of social responsibility through consistent volunteer work or activism.
Based on a recent Adobe study, 95% of admissions decision-makers believe in the value of creative skills. Creativity is listed among the top qualities considered by Duke, MIT, and UCLA and it doesn’t necessarily have to be expressed through activities in the arts. Colleges often look for creative thinkers, problem solvers, innovators and entrepreneurs. To demonstrate creative thinking, you might include an experience in which you came up with a creative solution to a problem or took a unique approach to an assignment.
Colleges want to know that you can collaborate well with students and faculty, and that you are able to put the needs of your team over your own. If you had a leadership role on a team, it’s important to demonstrate that you were an effective leader of a cohesive group — even if your team ultimately fails. “You might think colleges look for leadership skills,” explained Morgenstern. “They do. But they’re most interested in leaders who bring people together.”
Sports isn’t the only area where you can illustrate teamwork — collaboration can also be found in lab or other classroom assignments, volunteer work, or the performing arts.
Colleges want students who appreciate cultural diversity and are eager to engage with and learn from people from a wide range of cultural backgrounds.
In describing successful applicants, USC has said “They are interested in the world, in other peoples and cultures, and enjoy examining important issues from a global perspective.” To express this trait, you don’t need to have traveled extensively or lived in a foreign country. You might discuss your interest in mastering a foreign language, your experience advocating for an international issue you care about, or your participation in local projects where you worked with people from different cultures.
(source: College Data)
Some of many top schools where our students have matriculated in the last several years.