Build critical 21st century skills while having fun!

LEGO™ Sim City Civics & STEAM Program to develop

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LEGO-based Sustainability and Global Program for Young Minds

Step into our exclusive course: “Building a Sustainable Future with LEGO Bricks.” Tailored specifically for children aged 4-10, this cutting-edge program not only offers an interactive and captivating learning adventure but also roots them in a future-centric education framework.

Under the guidance of experienced educators, our young builders will embark on a journey to collaboratively construct a vibrant LEGO city. This hands-on approach not only amplifies their innate creativity but also integrates them into the dynamic world of global citizenship.

Developing the 6Cs for Future Leaders: Through the LEGO-based city-building project, children will hone the crucial 6Cs essential for the future:

  • Communication: Articulating ideas and working effectively with fellow builders.
  • Collaboration: Teamwork is the cornerstone of any successful project.
  • Critical Thinking: Solving challenges and making informed decisions.
  • Creativity: Crafting unique architectural designs and solutions.
  • Cultural Competency: Recognizing and valuing diverse cultures in their LEGO city.
  • Character Education: Building a city founded on respect, empathy, and responsibility.

The Magic of LEGO in Learning: Harnessing the timeless appeal of LEGO, we offer children an avenue to channel their imaginations constructively. This tactile learning reinforces their problem-solving skills and fosters a love for interdisciplinary knowledge.

A Glimpse into Global Cultures: As our young learners assemble their LEGO cities, they also gain insights into varied global customs, cultivating an appreciation for diversity and promoting inclusivity.

Preparation for a Dynamic Future: With the world evolving at an unprecedented pace, our mission remains unshaken: to equip the next generation with adaptable skills. “Building a Sustainable Future with LEGO Bricks” stands as a testament to our commitment, ensuring every child emerges with both a foundational understanding of global concepts and the confidence to navigate the complexities of tomorrow.

What Students Will Discover:

  • Becoming Future-ready Global Citizens: Understand the responsibilities and implications of global citizenship in an ever-evolving world.
  • Civic Awareness: Dive deep into the intricacies of government, urban planning, and economic frameworks, linking it to the real-world challenges of building sustainable cities.
  • Financial Acumen: Grasp the basics of financial literacy, laying the foundation for future decision-making.
  • Constructing a Sustainable Tomorrow: Recognize the importance of sustainable practices and their role in shaping our future cities.
  • Leadership Dynamics: Identify and nurture their individual leadership styles while understanding the myriad ways leaders can make a difference.
  • Innovative Thinking: Encourage creative problem-solving, pushing intellectual boundaries, and embracing risks for greater rewards.
  • Team Synergy: Master the art of collaboration, understanding the significance of each team member’s role and contribution.
  • Moral Compass: Reflect on personal beliefs and value systems, shaping their ethical and moral choices.
  • Global Challenges & Solutions: Pinpoint global concerns they resonate with, and channel their energies into creating meaningful and positive impacts.

Synopsis of Program Objectives:

  • Global Insight: Enhance students’ abilities to critically evaluate global changes, fostering a profound realization of the intricate interconnections that shape our world.
  • Real-world Problem Solving: Implement STEAM-based solutions for authentic world challenges, complemented by a robust understanding of civic structures.
  • Project Prowess: Equip students to design, curate, and showcase their mini-projects, reflecting their learnings and innovations.
  • Bridging Cultures: Cultivate a sense of cross-cultural appreciation, nurturing empathy, effective communication, and a genuine understanding of diverse perspectives.

Program Details and Registration Info


Next Cohort/Session:

  • Dates: TBD
  • Location: TBD
  • Level: Ages 4-10


$ –

COVID19 PROTOCOL (for in-person program only)

  • The program is subject to move online or become restricted, depending on local laws and regulations.
  • Students must show proof of vaccination and if eligible, a booster shot.
  • Masks are to be worn at all times other than eating and drinking time.
  • Rapid testing will be performed the first day and students may be subject to quarantine depending on local laws.
  • Must show a proof of health insurance coverage.


Apply now to join the 2022-23 cohort!

Registration & Payment


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